LC-MS/MS Method Package for PFAS in Drinking Water

Provides Methods for Analyzing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking Water According to EPA Methods 533 and 537.1


PFAS in Drinking Water

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has standardized two methods for the analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in drinking water: EPA Method 537.1 and 533, encompassing a total of 29 PFAS. These methods were used as reference for creating a vetted LC/MS/MS Method Package for Analyzing PFAS in Drinking Water. This method package includes ready-to-use analytical conditions for EPA Methods 533 and 537.1, examples of analytical procedures for the methods, and various other information, such as precautions for sample preparation and analysis. Using this product, 52 PFAS compounds* in drinking water can be analyzed.

*  Including internal standard substances, surrogates, etc.



LC/MS/MS Method Package for PFAS in Drinking Water

  • Ready-to-Use Analytical Methods
    The package includes optimized analytical conditions for LC/MS/MS analysis, enabling analysis to start as soon as the system, reagents, and columns are available. There is no need to conduct a time-consuming process to identify analytical conditions.
  • Illustrated Examples of Analysis Procedures
    Step-by-step diagrams guide the analysts, even the most unexperienced, through the steps of the EPA approved analytical workflows.
    In addition, each procedural step includes the corresponding text from the relevant EPA method as a reference when needed.
  • Precautions and Advice for Analysis
    Recommendations for ensuring an efficient analysis process are included.
Analysis procedure

Optional Kit for PFAS Analysis

"Optional Kit for PFAS Analysis" (sold separately) is available to minimize background contribution from PFAS potentially leaching from liquid contact surfaces in the LC system. Using the Method Package for PFAS in combination with this kit will enable PFAS analysis with even higher reliability and robustness.

  • EPA method 577.1
  • EPA method 533


List of Target Compounds





  • Requires LabSolutions LCMS Ver. 5.113 or later and LabSolutions Insightâ„¢ Ver. 3.8 SP3 or later.
  • This method package is intended for research use only. It may not be used for clinical diagnostic applications.


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